Your School Tutor Time of White Bear Lake, MN

Our Blog: August 17, 2012

8 Tips to Bring In the New School Year

We’re still enjoying the summer sun and fun, but a new school year is fast approaching!  Now is the time to start preparing to make the switch.  You can help excite your children about the school season and avoid a last-minute back-to-school frenzy by trying these tips.

  1. Talk it up!  Talk to your child about the upcoming school year.  Be positive and encouraging.  Help your child get excited and feel confident about what’s in store!
  2. Move up bedtime.  About two weeks before school starts, ease into a school-friendly schedule by moving your kids back to an early bedtime and early rise time.  This can be challenging when it’s light outside.  Don’t let failed attempts frustrate you.  Keep trying!
  3. Re-establish routines.  Reintroduce regular meal times, healthy snacks, naps and other regularly timed activities to give your child time to adjust to a school-day routine.
  4. Keep morning madness in check.   Start tackling the morning routine the night before to make the whole family’s day go more smoothly.  Get your child involved in the planning process – by having her create her own morning checklists or by having him choose a clean outfit to wear for the next day.
  5. Get the essentials.  Ask your school for your child’s classroom supply list before going shopping for school supplies.  Involve your child in key decisions such as choosing a backpack, lunch box and shoes.
  6. Attack the closet.  Go through your children’s closets with them.  Decide what goes, what stays and what gets handed down.  Work together to find a system of keeping things organized.
  7. Do a dry run.  Take your child to visit the school before the school year starts.  Tour the building, meet the teacher, get acclimated.
  8. Parents, do your homework.  Find out about your school’s registration protocol.  Be prepared with documentation on immunization records, medical exams and other school requirements.

What steps have you and your family started taking toward back-to-school readiness?


About the Author

Learning Care Group
