Your School Tutor Time of Cypress, CA

Our Blog: August 13, 2020

4 Ways to Create a Fun Learning Space at Home

GettyImages-805793004Whether you’re kiddos are attending school virtually, or simply need a nook where they can work through homework, having a space of their own can help them focus and stay on track. Here are some simple ways to make an exciting learning space at home!

  1. Fashionable Table and Chair: Purchase a cheap chair online and dress it up with some fresh paint or new upholstery! Find a table that is simple and has adjustable height, so kids can sit comfortably and work.
  2. Accessible Supplies: Make sure any table or desk allows room for storage underneath. This way, you can stack bins that contain paper, pencils, and other necessary supplies! On the desk itself, place sticky notes, a few cups and containers with supplies that your kiddos regularly use. It may also be helpful to attach power cables to the desk so it’s easy for kids to quickly connect or disconnect any devices they may be using.
  3. Use Wall Space: Additionally, if the learning space is up against a wall, consider placing a magnetic or cork board in front of the station so kids can post notes, calendar, and other important information directly in front of them.
  4. Fresh Artwork: Spice up their work station with some artistic elements! Whether it’s a painting, photo board, or some fun wallpaper, giving your kids’ space some personal flair will encourage them to use it more often!